User Documentation



video upload

Uploading video

User manual of different ways of uploading video.


Live broadcasting User manual

User manual for streaming using Online Video Platform Boomstream.


Live broadcasting from IP camera

To begin live broadcasting you have to get video stream from ip camera and redirect it to Boomstream platform.


Built-in web application for live broadcasting

Little manual about built-in web application for live broadcasting


Live broadcasting and video selling

You can create subscription for any uploaded video or live broadcasting and sell it on the moment on your site, blog or social network page.


Access to video/stream by password

Example of creating access by password to uploaded video and live broadcasting.


Purchase of video content

Purchase of Video On Demand or Live broadcasting goes in several steps.


Recovering access to purchased video

To recover access to purchased video, pls use Recovery code


Adding customer manually

You can add customer manually to any existing subscription.


Create Playlist

Playlists are useful for groupping video with common themes. These videos in playlist will be played in order in one player.

video upload

FTP Uploading

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the most common protocol used for uploading files to a server. To upload files via FTP you should use a special software. There are some ones for Windows OS: Total Commander, FAR, FileZilla, etc.


Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Settings

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free software for live broadcasting with ability to manage audio and audio sources.


Streaming on-demand video as a live

In this case, the source of live is video. This feature allows you to schedule VOD playing, e.g. for creating webinar automation or web TV channel.


How to connect your PayPal account and platform Boomstream

This is a description of how to connect your PayPal account and platform Boomstream. It allows accepting payment with credit card and PayPal directly to your account without any fees from Boomstream. We will charge you only for storage and bandwidth.


How to enable live chat for your stream

On our platform chat is embedded in stream player . You should just activate it in settings.


Broadcasting through the built-in application from the iPhone

In order to broadcast with our built-in app from browser on iOS 15:


Integration Zoom with Boomstream

After this integration new Zoom recordings will automatically upload from Zoom cloud to your Boomstream account.


Website background video

How-to get a mp4 video link to use in a html5 player on a website


How to activate restreaming

To stream live on several sites at the same time, you should specify server addresses and broadcasting key in the settings of your stream.

How to publish videos

In this article we tell you about placement methods available on our platform.