Video Download Protection
To protect video courses and lessons from downloading we use encryption, which makes the files inaccessible for download by programs and browser extensions.

Controlling viewer sessions
With our service you get fullcontrol over user views and sessions. His way you can track the activity and behavior of your audience.

We offer complex solution
Effective protection
Video Download Protection
Screen record protection
Domain name restrictions
Password protection
Controlling viewer sessions
Protection by IP address
Temporary links
Screen record protection
The watermark allows to identify violator while distributing screen record.

How it works
Video Download Protection
To prevent video courses and lessons from downloading, we encrypt the data before delivering to the viewer. As a result, download tools and plugins either do not see the file or download an encrypted version. Playback is possible only with our player, as you need a unique key created for the viewer. This key is transferred automatically.
We use AES-128 and Sample-AES technologies to protect your videos.
Screen record protection
We understand that nothing can safeguard your content from screen recording tools like mobile or video camera. But we know, that displaying the user’s information like email, name and IP over the video deters from further distributing over the internet. Dynamic or static watermark will appear at random spots of player every 1-60 seconds. It is semi-transparent and does not disturb the viewer.
If an online thieve tries to delete watermark, the player will reload and send notification about this event.
Domain name restrictions
Videos will play only on whitelisted domains. We check every player request. If content pirate copies the player code, he will be unable to play this video due to «Access denied» error. Restrictions also work with streams and webinars.
Password protection
We create password for each viewer with the following parameters: start of access, access period, end of access, number of password activations, restriction of simultaneous viewing from multiple devices. Upon the first launch of the player, the service will remember the viewer's parameters and will automatically compare them with the data in the database. If the data differs, then re-entering the password for activation will be required. This way, you limit the possibility of transferring the password to third parties.
Controlling viewer sessions
The platform records any player launch for every unique viewer. We fix time, device, browser and IP address and display it in your personal account. You can set up notifications, then we will indicate about the viewers who used password activations. There is also an option that blocks simultaneous viewing of the media with one password from different devices. Also, you can restrict access to media from certain devices or browsers.
Protection by IP address
To enable it, you should generate a md5 hash and provide it to us. The result will be a unique video link for a viewer. It will play only from the specified IP address.
We use CDN for your content to be available in any destination. And you can manage your media to play or not in specific countries.
Temporary links
To enable it, you should generate a md5 hash and provide it to us. The links created this way will be active for the period specified in the settings. Upon expire, the viewer will no longer be able to watch the content.
Boomstream platformis most effective if you
Sell video online or set password access to content and don't have own site
Large online-school and need end-to-end solution with online video distribution, protection and individual tariff
Want to protect your videos against unauthorized access
You are developer and you need robust solution for hosting video content
in the industry

Best opportunitiesfor your busyness goals
Convenient video upload
Upload video content in any way: from your device, by FTP or TUS, Google Drive, OneDrive, Vimeo, API.
Branded player
Customize the color and controls to adapt the player to your design. Place your logo and park your domain so that all links carry your system address.
from piracyWe protect your videos with encryption, watermark display, restriction to a domain or IP address creating temporary links. Individual privacy settings for each viewer.
Flexible pricing
Choose how to pay:
* only for the space used on the servers and
viewers playback.
* or tarrif, that already includes a certain amount of storage, traffic
views, Branding options, and Protection of video content from downloading.
Conduct live broadcasts and webinars. Open, password-protected, or pay-per-view streams.
On your website or via a separate link.
Set up a schedule for auto-webinars and broadcasting from an IP camera.
Built in paywall
Upload videos and earn money! Set a
price and sell access to the uploaded video or
live streams on your website, blog or social media page. Connect your PayPal account
or use API for integration.