Updates on BoomStream

Lately we have been working hard on the quality of service and have introduced several changes, that users can not see – it was work on the system architecture. However, new options were added, such as: to disable direct links to streaming, using DRM, to change the link "About BoomStream" by pressing the right button of the mouse on the player, autostart video and hidden title in the player.

Disable direct links to streaming

If you use only player code, this option will be useful to complicate download and restreaming of your video. When this option is enabled you can't get links from the video management interface, you can get only player code. Note! After you activate this option all the direct links will stop working. Make sure you do not use them on your site.

Using DRM

DRM – is the type of protection, which limits (obstructs) video download on the user's computer. It forbids the playback and download of FLV and MP4 files. Only output of parts of files is used in playback. Note! When the DRM protection video is enabled, videos play only on devices that support it. These devices include browsers with installed Flash player, and iOS devices (iPhone, iPad). On other devices video do not play.

Change the link "About BoomStream"

This option overrides the link to BoomStream by pressing the right button of the mouse on the player. You can specify your site and description if needed.

Autostart video and hidden title in the player

These features speak for themselves. Upon receipt of the player code or playlist, you can specify settings of autostart and of display of text in the player.

All these features can be changed in the project settings.