Global renewal of Boomstream platform

Dear friends,

we renewed our platform, trying to make it more convenient and user friendly.

These are changes we made:

новый плеер...

  • HTML-5 player - we don't depend on Flash anymore.
  • renewed player design - eight colored schemes for player. Option is situated in project objectives.
  • DRM protection - we invented HLS AES-128 encryption, thus downloaders simply can't catch video file for downloading. Option is situated in project objectives.
  • renewed built-in web application for live broadcasting - better productivity.
  • chat - chat for live broadcasting. Option is situated in live objectives.
  • player and customer letters branding - put your logo in customer letters, player, PPV. Option is situated in live objectives.
  • scheduling for live broadcasting from video file - choose time and frequency of replay: every day, once a week, once a month.

Thank you for being with us!