How to publish videos

We offer 6 ways to publish content.

You should start with the preview window. Go to the desired media and click on the name of media, then click on "Publish" button.

In the preview window you choose the placement method you want.

Let's take a closer look at what needs each one is suited for:

  1. Link - a direct link to the player that you can share with viewers to view.
  2. Fixed code - iframe player code with fixed sizes. You can embed content on the site using the specified player dimensions.
  3. Adaptive code - javascript player code. The player automatically adjusts to different screen sizes after embedding on the site. Player works inline - on IOs devices Boomstream player opens in full screen mode, not Apple's system player.
  4. Popover - javascript player code that will open the player in a popup window.
  5. Page - create a mini landing page. This is a separate web page where the player is embedded. Also there you can place a panel of likes, the ability to share via social networks and leave a comment.
  6. MP4 Link - you use a direct link from us to the video in html-5 player on your website/landing.

To get the mp4 link, click on the name of media and below in the transcodes section select the desired quality by clicking on the share button on the right side.

You should copy the very first mp4 link at new window.