On our platform chat is embedded in stream player. You should just activate it in settings.
To do this press on stream name in your Boomstream account. Then you go to Chat tab.
Here you see different options:
1. Chat management. It opens new window, where you can moderate chat. There is also direct link for the moderator if you do not want to give direct access to your Boomstream account.
2. Activate chat for your broadcast with checkbox.
3. Set your Chat Name. If you join chat from Boomstream account, you will have administrator rights. In other case you will just communicate with participants.
4. We save viewer’s chat nickname in cookies to authorize user after page reloading.
5. When active, we show all authorized users names in chat.
6. Set quantity of messages available in chat history.
7. This message will be permanently shown in upper part of the chat.